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volume 1 - insidemymind by Toni Short



I think it’s time the world knew what was inside this mind of mine...

Hi Friend,  How are you?

Sharing one’s voice, thoughts, feelings is a vulnerable experience for most of us.  

Throughout my life I was told to be still and quiet. Throughout my career I was creatively supporting and promoting others. And so for many years I pushed down how I felt and what I had to say.

After being "cracked open" in 2018 from a personal breakdown a new path crystalized in front of and inside of me and I knew then, my voice was ready to be heard. I was moved to make steps to put myself more fully into the world as a working artist and this calling or drive inside of me was something I could no longer ignore. 

Determined to live my life differently I was moved to take steps to put myself more boldly into the world.  

Whether as a working artist, business advisor, quantum healer, producer or creative doula this calling or drive inside of me was something I could no longer ignore.  

Brewing for some years, this newsletter series or collection of insights and stories is my gift to you. 

Welcome to my world of Discovery & Transformation…


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