welcome back & introducing the

welcome back & introducing the

volume 3
Hi Beautiful Friends,
WE RISE. is more than a tagline for us. It’s the Spirit Sisters mantra.
Our motto, our movement, our global tour. And, our invitation to you.
WE RISE. The inaugural piece in my latest collection, TAKE 2, originated in April 2020
with my idea to offer a four-feet squared piece of art I found on the streets of New York City a new life.
I layered and layered acrylic over acrylic on canvas giving the reclaimed piece a new start.
What revealed was a visual message… women rising up.
WE RISE. then and now, to me, symbolizes the strength and beauty of women’s spirit
to break through energy and transform their life. For International Women’s Day, we kicked off our WE RISE. TOUR. by launching my Spirit Sister Stories LIVE movement in my home town of New York City.
Partnering with NeueHouse we brought the art of self reclamation to life by opening and collectively curating a container for our community of women to foster creativity, authenticity and sisterhood. Together we witnessed light and experienced positivity through sharing stories and empowering womxn.
See THE MOVIE, the Sisters in all their glory and their poems & stories here.
Thank you to everyone who joined this celebration and brought my dream and initiative alive.
Together, WE RISE.
PS: Join the movement… next up on the WE RISE. TOUR, a day with horses & the sisters in nature...


Our Night Honoring International Women’s Day at NeueHouse 2024
Australian multidisciplinary artist & Host, Toni Short, partnered with NeueHouse NY to bring her Spirit Sister Stories initiative to life to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2024.
The evening was curated to offer a space for womxn to immerse themselves in creativity and light for Toni and her sisters to share their inspirational stories, tips on how they co-created a new beginning and re-wrote their story.
Opening the container for conversation and curiosity, the evening began with THE FLOW, a bespoke meditation experience where where DJ Ljuba curated the soundscape for Toni to explore consciousness with her voice offering guests a chance to tap in to deep relaxation and visualize their vision for the future.
Guests witnessed women storytellers in the ‘Sisters Spotlight’ as Toni interviewed Chelsea Leyland about her transition from fashion DJ to epilepsy advocate. Granetta Coleman about her bolder women movement and vegan food longevity secrets. And Nina Marchione about her revelations around intuition and personal healing journey through movement.
Toni opened the floor and the mic for the community of sisters to share their poetic creations born out out of journaling and reflection exercise, my name, my nature. And powerhouse Mijori brought the house down with her acapella performance of Inside Out.
Creativity came to life as guests explored our Market + Exhibition with displays from local Artisans & Entrepreneurs that showcased their their work and offerings.
Thank you to the NeueHouse Team for opening your doors to to honor our sisterhood, holding space for our collective energy and offering us a platform to witness the beauty of raising each other’s voices.